Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Drake Manalo ABC's

The copy on this is definitely going to change, but I want to stick with the color scheme and usage of rectangles to separate/combine elements. The typeface is supposed to be Futura but once I opened it on the CDM computers the font was lost on some of these spreads.


  1. The color scheme and arrangement you have looks really great. I tried playing with multiple colors as an original idea but got frustrated with how it looked so I kept to one color and black and white. But you've pulled off these colors well. I also really look forward to seeing the finished project if you go with the humor side mentioned in class...bitchez.

  2. I really liked the way you are adding humor in this. Its really nice and the colors fit perfect. I think the white outline mentioned in class would be great for some of the other pieces you have.

  3. I'm so glad that you are using this abc book as a vehicle for humor! I think the only thing you could do wrong would be to not push it far enough. Getting really insulting will be a challenge, but also very funny! I agree with using a little more white in some of the pages, but overall I think you have a great color scheme and idea!

  4. The humor you're using in the set is really great, but I'd like to see you really push it like discussed in class. I also enjoy how you play with positive and negative space.
